I decided to wait until my package arrived before making any decisions about what I had gotten myself into this time. I was told I would receive a package and a dvd under separate cover telling me all about my wonderful vacation.  I was emailed my Universal Studios Florida Ticket Voucher for 2 adults.  I did however check out their web site etourandtravel.com.  Everything appeared to be in order and looked very legite.

In less than a week I received my package and my dvd.  It included a Purchase Confirmation stating everything I had been told on the telephone.  It included a discount coupon for air fare.  Did I mention air fare was not included.  I knew this. So no surprises here. There was a sheet explaining “ePerks” For each referral (not sure I would do this to anyone) I would receive 50 points to redeem for a whole load of other wonderful experiences in Florida. I also received the “TERMS AND CONDITIONS” of my vacation package.  All the things that I was not told on the phone. 

First off, I did have 15 days to cancel my agreement with them but it was from the date I first signed up on the telephone so I only had 8 days left to figure this out. I thought about the fact that this would most likely not be an easy thing to do. 

The second thing I uncovered was that I had to attend two 90 minute presentations; one in Orlando and one in Daytona Beach. I was still okay with this, after all it is over 10 days. I learned that it was a standard hotel room with two double beds.  I didn’t really have a problem with that other than it made me realize we would have to have money for eating out for 10 days. 

 The third thing I have just discovered from reading the fine print is that the tickets for Universal Studios can not be used in conjunction with the accomodations package.  It is right there in the Terms and Conditions and it is right there on the voucher that was emailed to me.  This was not at all how it was presented on the telephone. It sounded as if all of this was being given to me without any type of restrictions.

The Live Support Online at etourandtravel.com confirmed for me that you can not use the ticket voucher in conjunction with the package. The ticket voucher can be used within a year. But between the presentation in Orlando and the ticket voucher you need at least 8 months in between.   Not really a problem for me as Cindy and I are not into the theme parks anyway we will spend our time shopping and sitting in the sun! I think this is a little sneaky on their behalf!

 Oh and not that they were ever sneaky about this but it is a 7 day car rental and we will be there for 10 days.  How is that going to work?

So after it was all weeded out, we have a 6 night stay in a Best Western type standard hotel room in Orlando and a 3 night stay in the same type of hotel in Daytona Beach and a 7 day car rental, unlimited mileage.  The $398 US worked out to $482 Cdn. 

After all this I still did not try to cancel my agreement because I really thought that it might be harder to move back and get a refund then to move forward and create a trip for Cindy and I around this wonderful vacation package which I owned!

Then I decided I would look for other’s who had experience with ETourandTravel. Oh boy….What was I thinking?